Today we went over basic information that you need for Biology this year:
1) Filled out Parent Contact Sheet
2) Filled out Student Information Sheet
3) Went over supplies for B.E.E. Book
4) Completed flashcards for the first 10 words from your green HSA book (period 2b did not complete these yet)
5) Class rules
6) $5.00 Lab Fee
7) HSA: Why is it important?
8) Horseshoe Crabs in the classroom
9) Field Trips
VOCABULARY for today:
1) assumption
2) bias
3) control group
4) controlled experiment
5) dependent variable
6) evidence
7) experiment
8) hypothesis
9) independent variable
10) inference
NOTE: all handouts will be uploaded to Blackboard. See Ms. Lynch for instructions on how to sign in.
FOR HOMEWORK: Please have your parents sign the parent contact sheet. Also, set up your B.E.E. Book by 8/27, and bring your lab fee ASAP!!!