Monday, March 23, 2009

March 30 (A Day) and March 31 (B Day)

OBJECTIVE: Students will simulate the spread of a disease that requires the exchange of bodily fluids in order to understand the outbreak of disease described in the book Hot Zone.

WARM-UP: How are viruses spread? What can you do to prevent yourself from catching a virus?

1) homeostasis
2) immune system
3) muscular system
4) nervous system
5) reproductive system

1)Students will share knowledge about viruses and how they are spread. Class will discuss prior knowledge.
2) Class will discuss how to develop an experiment to simulate the rates of virus infection using supplies that teacher has.
3) Students will perform experiment.
4) Students will analyze their data and draw conclusions.

Read and outline Section 12-5 in textbook

Unit 7 Review sheet (B Day students)

CLOSURE: Discussion of lab.