Monday, August 30, 2010

August 31 (A Day) and September 1 (B Day)

OBJECTIVE: Students will perform an activity in order to practice the scientific method.

WARM-UP: What is the phrase we talked about to identify independent and dependent variables?
1) Independent variable
2) Dependent variable
3) Control
4) Constant

1) Review Warm-Up and Vocabulary
2) Pre-Lab discussion
3) Laboratory Activity
4) Graph individual data
5) Share Data and Draw Conclusions
6) Closure

Study for test on Thursday and Friday of this week, it will cover all of Unit 1- Scientific Method and Lab Safety

(Due Tuesday 9/8 and Wednesday 9/9):
Write out an experiment to test which fertilizer (gro-more, nutri-plant, or feed-me) causes plants to grow the most. Make sure to identify the independent and dependent variables.


Test on Thursday and Friday of this week.  It will cover all of Unit 1 (Lab Safety and Scientific Method)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 27th (A Day) and August 30th (B Day)

OBJECTIVE:  Students will perform an activity in order to practice lab safety and proper procedures for investigations.

WARM-UP: Write out the directions for tying your shoe, be specific.

1) Independent variable

2) Dependent variable
3) Control
4) Constant

1) Review Warm-Up and Vocabulary
2) Following Directions Activity
3) Lab Safety Manipulatives
4) Scientific Method Discussion
5) Sponge Bob Activity
6) Closure

Write out an experiment to test which fertilizer causes plants to grow the most. Make sure to identify the independent and dependent variables.

BEE Book and Word Find (For period 1A)

For extra credit, bring me magazines with pictures that we can use in class. 1 extra credit point per magazine (no newspapers or catalogs, please). Up to 5 points can be earned and this offer expires on 9/10/10.

Monday, August 23, 2010

August 25th (A Day) and August 26th (B Day)

OBJECTIVE:  Students will define Biology and review the scientific method in order to prepare to conduct their own investigations in class.

WARM-UP:  What does Biology mean to you? How does it relate to your own life?

1) Accountable Talk
2) Biology
3) observation

1) Warm-Up and Vocabulary, Discussion
2) Think-Pair-Share- Get a partner and share your answers with your partner, then with the whole class.
3) Reading Activity- Each groups will read an article.  Answer questions and share with group.
4) Introduction to Biology as a sensory science- making observations with your senses.
5) Closure

Get BEE Books, period 1A needs to complete Word Find

Word hunt definition (from School Max)

Don't forget, BEE Books due next week.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

August 23rd (A Day) and August 24th (B Day)

OBJECTIVE:  Students will review course policies and procedures in order to apply them throughout the year and be successful in Biology.

****Period 1A did not get to do the lesson today due to a shortened period.
WARM-UP:  Tell me three things about yourself that I cannot tell by just looking at you.

1) Accountable Talk
2) Biology

1) Students receive seating assignments.
2) Students will  discuss the characteristics of good teachers, classes and students.
3) Review classroom procedures and rules.
4) Outline materials for class. Discussion of BEE Book.
5) Discussion of "Accountable Talk".
6) Sink or float?
7) Closure- review online resources

Go to School Max, look under the assignment "Word Find", and bring in the definition of the word you see.

Start checking this blog daily- extra credit will be posted soon!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome to the 2010-2011 school year in HSA Biology!!!  I am so excited abou this school year.  We have a lot of changes that will make this year especially great.  First of all, we have a new principal who will be supporting us on this scientific journey.  Also, my class will be piloting a new curriculum that is focused all around the Chesapeake Bay.  Hopefully, this will give us lots of opportunities to get really dirty and explore nature while learning all about Biology.  Please check this blog often as I frequently post special announcements and extra credit here.  Thanks for checking and see you in class.

For extra credit- bring me your old magazines.  I will not take newspapers or catalogs, but everything else is fair game.  As long as it has some good pictures in it, I will give you 1 point for every magazine up to 5. This offer expires on Septemberr 10, 2010 so hurry up.

For another 2 extra credit points, join my facebook fan page called "Ms. Lynch's Biology Class". That's just one more way to keep up on what we are doing in class.