Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 27th (A Day) and August 30th (B Day)

OBJECTIVE:  Students will perform an activity in order to practice lab safety and proper procedures for investigations.

WARM-UP: Write out the directions for tying your shoe, be specific.

1) Independent variable

2) Dependent variable
3) Control
4) Constant

1) Review Warm-Up and Vocabulary
2) Following Directions Activity
3) Lab Safety Manipulatives
4) Scientific Method Discussion
5) Sponge Bob Activity
6) Closure

Write out an experiment to test which fertilizer causes plants to grow the most. Make sure to identify the independent and dependent variables.

BEE Book and Word Find (For period 1A)

For extra credit, bring me magazines with pictures that we can use in class. 1 extra credit point per magazine (no newspapers or catalogs, please). Up to 5 points can be earned and this offer expires on 9/10/10.