Friday, November 05, 2010

November 5 (B Day) and November 8 (A Day)

*To open multiple windows, go to the File menu at the top of the screen and select your choice.  Also, you could hit command + T to open a new tab.  Then, when you have a link to click, just drag the link into the new window search area, or tab, and it should open it there.

OBJECTIVE: Students will identify molecular building blocks in order to determine how they form biological macromolecules.

WARM-UP: Complete The Monomers of Macromolecules worksheet- Answer in your BEE Book.

NOCABULARY- define/describe the following words in your BEE Book using only pictures. You should look up the definition, READ it, then draw a picture that comes to mind.  The purpose here is for you to make a visual connection to the word.
1) monomer
2) polymer
3) monosaccharide
4) polysaccharide

1) Warm-Up and Vocabulary Discussion
2) Spend some time familiarizing yourself with the different macromolecule groups we have talked about.  Take notes as you read these, you will use them next class to build a foldable. Make sure you can tell me what the building blocks are of the molecule, what foods they are found in, and what their function is:
  a) carbohydrates
  b) proteins
  c) lipids
  d) nucleic acids
3) Computer Lab Activity 1 Form the Tree of Life to Macromolecules- Begin Here (place all answers in your BEE Book). If you have questions as you work, please post them here and I will address them as I can.
4) Closure

Do the Chapter 2 Assessment on page 57 of your textbook, due on Thursday/Friday of next week.

For more information on carbohydrates, view this PowerPoint

