Thursday, August 31, 2006

August 31 (A Day) and September 1 (B Day)

*Check out this website to see a bar graph of Michael Jordan's stats!!!

OBJECTIVE: Students will learn to identify variables and review data in order to appropriately create a graph.

WARM-UP: 1) What are the key concepts of Section 1-4? 2) Why do scientists use tables and graphs? 3) List 3 types of microscopes and how they are used.

CLASSWORK: Review answers to HSA Lab "Graphing Skills", p. 22-27. Copy and discuss notes for Sections 1-3 and 1-4. B Day students: Human Bar Graph Activity.
*Period 1A just starting the "Graphing Skills" lab today so we did not go over the answers yet.

HOMEWORK DUE TODAY: Section 1-3 Worksheet, Parent Contact Sheet, Student Information Sheet, Read Chapter 1 in Textbook, Cover Book, $5.00 Lab Fee, Lab Safety Contract signed, Graphing Skills Lab.

HOMEWORK DUE NEXT CLASS: Section 1-4 Worksheet. Periods 2B and 4B need to do the Vocabulary Sheet on page 12 instead of 1-4.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Test on Thursday for A Day students. Test on Friday for B Day students.

Friday, August 25, 2006

August 29 (A Day) and August 30 (B Day)

1st Period A Day:
OBJECTIVE: Students will learn to identify lab equipment in order to perform laboratory investigations properly.

WARM-UP: List and explain the use of three pieces of lab equipment.

CLASSWORK: Perform HSA Lab "Identifying Lab Equipment", pgs. 18-21.

HOMEWORK DUE TODAY: Section 1-2 Worksheet, Parent Contact Sheet, Student Information Sheet, Read Chapter 1 in Textbook, BCR #6, Cover Book, Lab Fee, Lab Safety Contract.

HOMEWORK DUE NEXT CLASS: Section 1-3 Worksheet, Finish Reading Chapter 1 in Textbook, Lab Fee, Cover Book, get Lab Safety Contract signed. Finish lab if you did not finish it in class.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Test on Tuesday for A Day students. Test on Wednesday for B Day students.

All other classes:
OBJECTIVE: Students will learn to identify variables and review data in order to appropriately create a graph.

WARM-UP: List and explain the use of three pieces of lab equipment.

CLASSWORK: Review Homework: BCR #6. Perform HSA Lab "Graphing Skills", p. 22-27.

HOMEWORK DUE TODAY: Section 1-2 Worksheet, Parent Contact Sheet, Student Information Sheet, Read Chapter 1 in Textbook, BCR #6, Cover Book, Lab Fee, Lab Safety Contract.

HOMEWORK DUE NEXT CLASS: Section 1-3 Worksheet, Finish Reading Chapter 1 in Textbook, Lab Fee, Cover Book, get Lab Safety Contract signed. Finish lab if you did not finish it in class.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Test on Tuesday for A Day students. Test on Wednesday for B Day students.

August 25 (A Day) and August 28 (B Day), 2006

OBJECTIVE: Students will learn to determine what makes something alive in order to categorize items as living or dead.

WARM-UP: See Blackboard, Chapter 1 PowerPoint Presentation Interest Grabber- Section 1-3.

CLASSWORK: Reviewed Sections 1-1 and 1-2. Lecture on the Scientific Method and Controlled Experiments. Did "Word Wall" Activity to cover all Vocabulary words from Chapter 1.

HOMEWORK DUE TODAY: Section 1-1 Worksheet, Parent Contact Sheet, Student Information Sheet, Read Textbook pages 2-15, Cover Book, Lab Fee.

HOMEWORK DUE NEXT CLASS: Section 1-2 Worksheet, Finish Reading Chapter 1 in Textbook, BCR #6, Lab Fee, Cover Book.

Today we discussed the Scientific Method and Controlled Experiments. Here's a website about the Scientific Method Please note that when searching the internet for the Scientific Method, you may find sites that have the steps listed slightly different from one another. The basic procedures, however, should be the same: 1) Ask a question, 2) Form a hypothesis, 3) Test the hypothesis, 4) Draw a conclusion.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

August 22, 2006 (B Day)

Here's what happened today: 2nd and 4th periods: I handed out the Parent Contact Sheet, Student Information Sheet and the Lab Fee Letter. We also did lab on Laboratory Safety, pages 9, 12, 13, 14 and 15. I also reviewed the class rules and assigned Biology Lab Books to 2nd period students. "B" Day Homework: Have parents complete and sign Parent Contact Sheet. Bring $5.00 lab fee to class on Thursday. Finish lab on Laboratory Safety, if you didn't finish in class. 3rd period: did lab only. These students will be in Ms. Berkeley's class, room 122, starting on Wednesday.

Monday, August 21, 2006

August 21, 2006 (A Day)

First day of school!!! Here's what happened today:

1st period: Not much. We had about 15 minutes to meet, so we didn't really do anything except go over the rules. I handed out the Parent Contact Sheet and the Lab Fee Letter.

3rd and 4th periods: Did lab on Laboratory Safety, pages 9, 12, 13 and 14. Also handed out the Parent Contact Sheet, Student Information Sheet and the Lab Fee Letter. I also reviewed the class rules and assigned Biology Lab Books to some 3rd period students, and all 4th period students.

"A" Day Homework: Have parents complete and sign Parent Contact Sheet. Bring $5.00 lab fee to class on Wednesday. Finish lab on Laboratory Safety, if you didn't finish in class. 1st period will have a chance to work on this on Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Baby picture

Since everyone is always asking about the baby, I decided to post a picture of her here. Evie is 9 months old in this picture. She is already crawling and really wants to walk.

Biology Brain Buster: Evie has blue eyes. I have hazel eyes and her father has blue eyes. Provide a hypothesis, using correct genetics terms, to explain how Evie ended up with blue eyes. Email me at with your answer. Logical, well thought out answers will receive 10 extra credit points. Good Luck!!! This opportunity expires on September 14, 2006.

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome to the 2006-2007 school year at Parkdale HS!!! Use the site to keep up with the daily happenings in class. I will also be posting all handouts and presentations on Blackboard. You can access Blackboard through Enter in the same username and password that you use to log onto the computers at school. Make sure to check both websites often to keep up.

I have lots of fun and exciting things planned for Biology this year. You'll find out more in class, but for a sneak preview, visit this site:

See you in class!!!