Friday, August 25, 2006

August 25 (A Day) and August 28 (B Day), 2006

OBJECTIVE: Students will learn to determine what makes something alive in order to categorize items as living or dead.

WARM-UP: See Blackboard, Chapter 1 PowerPoint Presentation Interest Grabber- Section 1-3.

CLASSWORK: Reviewed Sections 1-1 and 1-2. Lecture on the Scientific Method and Controlled Experiments. Did "Word Wall" Activity to cover all Vocabulary words from Chapter 1.

HOMEWORK DUE TODAY: Section 1-1 Worksheet, Parent Contact Sheet, Student Information Sheet, Read Textbook pages 2-15, Cover Book, Lab Fee.

HOMEWORK DUE NEXT CLASS: Section 1-2 Worksheet, Finish Reading Chapter 1 in Textbook, BCR #6, Lab Fee, Cover Book.

Today we discussed the Scientific Method and Controlled Experiments. Here's a website about the Scientific Method Please note that when searching the internet for the Scientific Method, you may find sites that have the steps listed slightly different from one another. The basic procedures, however, should be the same: 1) Ask a question, 2) Form a hypothesis, 3) Test the hypothesis, 4) Draw a conclusion.