Thursday, August 31, 2006

August 31 (A Day) and September 1 (B Day)

*Check out this website to see a bar graph of Michael Jordan's stats!!!

OBJECTIVE: Students will learn to identify variables and review data in order to appropriately create a graph.

WARM-UP: 1) What are the key concepts of Section 1-4? 2) Why do scientists use tables and graphs? 3) List 3 types of microscopes and how they are used.

CLASSWORK: Review answers to HSA Lab "Graphing Skills", p. 22-27. Copy and discuss notes for Sections 1-3 and 1-4. B Day students: Human Bar Graph Activity.
*Period 1A just starting the "Graphing Skills" lab today so we did not go over the answers yet.

HOMEWORK DUE TODAY: Section 1-3 Worksheet, Parent Contact Sheet, Student Information Sheet, Read Chapter 1 in Textbook, Cover Book, $5.00 Lab Fee, Lab Safety Contract signed, Graphing Skills Lab.

HOMEWORK DUE NEXT CLASS: Section 1-4 Worksheet. Periods 2B and 4B need to do the Vocabulary Sheet on page 12 instead of 1-4.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Test on Thursday for A Day students. Test on Friday for B Day students.