Saturday, January 27, 2007

January 30 (A Day) and January 31 (B Day): Genetics Lesson 3

OBJECTIVE: Studnets will explore the principles of probability in order to predict the outcomes of genetic crosses using Punnett squares.

WARM-UP: HSA REWIND: Develop an HSA question that tests the following indicator (3.1.1). Be sure to include the correct answer- The student will be able to describe the unique characteristics of chemical substances and macromolecules utilized by living systems.

1) Review Section 11-2 from your textbook.
2) Perform Probability Lab.
3) Do next five flashcards; covalent bond, ion, ionic bond, molecule and cohesion.

Do BCR #23 from your HSA BCR book.

Section 11-3 Worksheet from your floppy blue book.

Tutoring begins this week!!!