NOTE: On Thursday, January 4, I will be on a field trip during 3rd and 4th periods.
OBJECTIVE: Students will identify the mechanism of cell division in order to discuss how cell growth affects a cell’s function.
WARM-UP: What are the two things that limit the size of cells?
1) Complete Section 10-1 and Section 10-2 Worksheets in your floppy blue book. These are due by the end of class today!!! A Day students please give these to the substitute teacher.
2) If you finish early, begin tonight's homework.
3) B Day students were also given about 30 minutes to complete make-up work for the quarter.
1) Do Section 10-3 Worksheet in your floppy blue book.
2) Read Section 10-2 in your blue textbook.
1) Read Section 10-1 in your textbook, pp. 241-243.
2) Do Questions 1-4 on page 243 of your textbook.
All assignments for 2nd quarter are due by Friday. 3rd quarter will begin on January 8, 2007. Many extra credit opportunities are available:
10 pts: bring in a roll of paper towels
10 pts: bring in a box of kleenex
10 pts: do extra credit assignment posted earlier on this website