OBJECTIVE: Students will review natural selection in order to explain evolution.
My, How You’ve Changed!
Prior to the 1800s, life scientists knew that living things changed over generations. They just didn’t know how these changes were brought about.
1. Divide a sheet of paper into two columns and title the first one Inherited Characteristics. Title the second column Acquired Characteristics. In the first column, list the characteristics that you believe you have always had. For example, you may have brown eyes or curly hair.
2. In the second column, list your acquired characteristics. For example, you may have learned how to play a musical instrument.
3. Which of the items in your lists do you think you might pass on to your children? Explain your answer.
1) Review Lab
2) Teach the teacher assignment
Read 6-1 and 6-2 in green book. Do questions on 6-2 and 6-3.