Thursday, September 28, 2006

September 27 (A Day) and September 28 (B Day)

OBJECTIVE: Students will read articles on chemistry in order to share a summary with the class and to distinguish organic from inorganic molecules.

WARM-UP: Describe the function of lipids in the body.

CLASSWORK: Article review, present findings to the class. Answer the following questions about your article:
1) Is your article dealing with organic or inorganic chemistry: how can you tell?
2) What is the main topic?
3) One interesting thing I learned was _________.
4) I'd like to learn more about _______________.
5) The information is valuable because _____________.
6) One thing i'd like to ask the author is ______________.
7) Overall, I found this article to be ____________.

TONIGHT'S HOMEWORK: Read Chapter 2. If you've already read it, re-review the material in Section 2-4.

HOMEWORK DUE: Crossword Puzzle in floppy workbook, Question 18 on p. 57 of your textbook, cover your book, pay your lab fee!!!!