Friday, April 13, 2007

April 16 (B Day) and April 17 (A Day): Evolution Lesson 2 (B day) and 3 (A day)

OBJECTIVE: Students will compare beak structure of birds in order to review adaptation.

WARM-UP: Draw 3 different bird beaks and explain the type of food each bird would eat.

1) Lab
2) Flashcards: Write flashcards for all Evolution words from Green HSA book.
a) evolution
b) fossil record
c) geologic time
d) adaptive value
e) natural selection
f) overproduction
g) genetic variation
h) common ancestry
i) homologous structures
j) vestigial
k) extinction

1) Spring Break Packet due next class
2) Letter to Johnson Controls, Inc. and Chesapeake Bay Foundation

1) N/A

Biology HSA is on May 22.