OBJECTIVE: Students will analyze different BCR responses and writing techniques in order to write a clear and comprehensive BCR response on the Biology HSA.
WARM-UP: Construct a BCR that answers the following question from your HSA BCR Booklet. Be prepared to read and critique your response with the class.
14. Compare a bacterial cell and a human body cell. Include in your response:
-How they are similar and different in structure
-How they are classified (2001)
CLASSWORK: 1. BCR Writing Workshop.
TONIGHT'S HOMEWORK: Section 7-3 Worksheet (15 pts.), finish HSA BCR #14 (20 pts.) if you didn't finish it in class, and complete HSA BCR #15 (20 pts.).
HOMEWORK DUE: Completed Cell Lab, p. 45-49. You also should have read Chapter 7 through Section 7-3 in your textbook.